Blue Economy/ Protection of Water and Marine Resources
Company category
Start-up/ self-employed
Micro (< 10 employees)
SME (10-249 employees)
Small mid-cap (250-499 employees)
Additional information
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution - Water collection, treatment and supply - Passenger trail transport, interurban - Wired telecommunications activities - Wireless telecommunications activities - Data processing, hosting and related activities.
EU Funding is available for all types of companies of any size and sector.
A wide range of financing is available: loans, microfinance and venture capital. Every year the EU supports more than 200 000 businesses. The EU also supports businesses with grants and contracts.
How it works
The decision to provide EU financing will be made by the local financial institutions such as banks, venture capitalists or angel investors.
Thanks to the EU support the local financial institutions can provide additional financing to businesses.
The exact financing conditions – the amount, duration, interest rates and fees – are determined by these financial institutions.
You can contact one of over 1000 financial institutions to find out more.
Your right for credit feedback
You have a right to get feedback from credit institutions on their credit decision.
This can help you understand your financial position and improve your chances to obtain financing in the future.
The COSME Loan Guarantee Facility (LGF) supports the financing of digital transformation projects by SMEs in all sectors of the economy, regardless of their current level of digitalisation.
If you are a business looking for financing opportunities, go to our database to see the options available to you.
If you are a financial intermediary participating in the COSME digitalisation pilot, please proceed to the COSME digitalisation questionnaire. Please visit the EIF portal for additional information about COSME support for the digitalisation of SMEs.